Friday, December 16, 2011


The FACS classes had their last lab this week. They made pizza! My classroom smelled great and the students did a pretty good job cleaning up.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

State Testing

9th grade students tested today and I am so proud of them!! The Foods classes tested 11% higher than the state average and the Fashion class tested 22% higher! Way to go guys! Good job Miss Langston on teaching these kids!! Wahooooo! So proud!!

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Favorite Recipe Day!

Today, in Foods, students got to make their favorite recipe from the year. On Monday, they decided what they were making and how much of everything they would need from the recipe. If it wasn't on their sheet, they couldn't use it. We had some great products! Here is a picture of some students enjoying Fettuccine Alfredo!

Great Job Guys! I will sure miss you!!!

Hair Dos!

In Fashion, last Thursday, we had Paul Mitchell come as a guest speaker to finish off our Unit 6 Work. As part of their presentation, they did everyone's hair! Here are some pictures!

Some students getting their hair done!

Everyone who got their hair done!
Those students who got an updo! Some of them are really cool!

Looks great guys! Hope you had fun!